Vet Complaints Support (VCS) is a subscription service designed to resolve complaints and concerns early and effectively by gathering client feedback and identifying opportunities to improve practice.
We work in partnership with your practice to offer a multi-faceted approach to minimising the harm of client conflict and complaints. Clinics can outsource the handling of client feedback, concerns and complaints to VCS while also receiving support and guidance on reducing their client complaint and conflict exposure, incidence and severity.
Despite the best efforts of veterinary teams, client complaints and difficult interactions happen. Managing feedback and concerns effectively not only increases the likelihood of retaining clients, it also reduces the risk of secondary grievances such as one star Google reviews and damaging social media commentary.
Outsourcing feedback and concerns to VCS has multiple benefits including relieving teams of the associated stress and anguish, minimising salary expenditure, protecting the “flow” of the day to day focus on patient care, and demonstrating WHS legal compliance by eliminating or mitigating the psychosocial risks that arise from difficult client interactions.